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Category: Applications
Created by: Richard Burns
Simple Mixer is a real-time and video mixing tool built entirely in TouchDesigner. It includes audio analysis and basic mapping functionality.
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Release date: 5 June, 2018
Version: 0.4.8
Created in TouchDesigner build: 099/2018.23120

Simple Mixer is a real-time and video mixing tool built entirely in TouchDesigner.

Introduction video

Post FX update explanation video

How It Works

Simple Mixer uses four banks at the top left of the screen which can have clips and tox files loaded into them. They can then be mixed between using the sliders and the compositing mode can be set.

Toxs are shown in the panel on the bottom left. These can be loaded by placing the tox file into the Assets/Tox directory.

For a tox to be compatible with Simple Mixer at the bare minimum it must have a TOP operator named ‘out1’ and another named ‘thumb’ in order to function. If your tox file is a container or has custom parameters these parameters will be exposed on the bottom right of the display when the tox is loaded into a bank and that bank is selected in the Current Visuals tab. If you want to set your tox files to the correct resolution then you can use the expressions op.output.par.w and op.output.par.h. To hook audio up to your component it’s recommended to expose those parameters via custom parameters and then hook them up via the interface.

For audio analysis the system uses the audioanalysis component created by Greg Hermanovic. This has three different spectrum tabs you can select between and options for analysing particular frequencies. The CHOP itself is exposed ready to be hooked up to custom parameters directly in the interface.

At the very top of the screen is a tab to switch into mapping mode. Currently this is the standard TouchDesigner stoner however it will likely soon be replaced by a Resolume style poly drawing and warping system. You can also choose an output monitor and toggle the output on and off.


Bug Fixes

  • fixed re-initialization issue on toxs.

New Features

  • added in a second pre-viz window. You can now choose between the four visuals in the banks and output. To make the window on the left or right bigger drag the border between the two.
  • Cube matrix now has a colour offset parameter.
  • New cloth TOX.
  • Upgraded to latest version of gal.
  • Right clicking on a bank will now auto switch the Current Visuals parameter window to that particular bank.
  • Clicking on the previz window whilst viewing a particular bank will now switch the Current Visuals parameter window to that particular bank.
  • Save Button.
  • New Post Effects. Feedback Effect and Tile Effect Added.
  • New Box Matrix TOX.
  • Upgraded to TouchDesigner build 22800.
  • BPM + – buttons for adjustment.
  • Clicking the bpm indicator now sets the system timeline to frame 1.
  • bpm_pulse channel added into audioanalysis component.
  • Post Effects will now fade in and out rather than snapping.
  • Post Effects now have opacity sliders. This allows preparing a post effect before sending it to the main output.
  • If there is no second monitor SimpleMixer will now use /simplemixer/container_outputs “Emulate Output Resolution” parameter.
  • Externalised container_output.
  • Updated to Experimental 21670
  • Always on top bug has been fixed in TouchDesigner so is re-enabled in SimpleMixer
  • Tested on TouchScreen. All functionality is working but certain buttons could be bigger.
  • Updated to Experimental 21150
  • Opening the Post FX browser auto-switches the effect editor to Post FX Mode and vice versa.
  • Dropping a Post Effect onto a TOX bank will no longer load it into the bank by mistake.
  • Dropping a TOX onto a Post FX slot will no longer break the system.
  • Removed random “hi” print from base_mix


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