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Category: Lights
Created by: Richard Burns
The Previz component allows you to pre-viz projectors and see where you might want to position them. There is “footprint” support meaning you can see shadows cast from your projector in real time. The component…
Sales: 465
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Release date: 4 February, 2017
Version: 1.2
Created in TouchDesigner build: 099/2017.20700

The Previz component allows you to pre-viz projectors and see where you might want to position them. There is “footprint” support meaning you can see shadows cast from your projector in real time.

The component itself is actually just the ArcBallCamera component from the palette with two extra components inside. One is the projector COMP, which is a geometry object with a camera and light inside for simulating a projector. The second is the screen COMP, which is a basic geometry component with a constant shader that takes into account a lights shadow.

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