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Release date: 28 October, 2016
Version: 0.6
Created in TouchDesigner build: 099/2018.23440
Generates lines between points within the minimum distance inside a geometry shader for a relatively cheap plexus effect.
Note: this asset is now updated for 099.
Nice, thanks for the shader! I had to enable this extension to make it work:
#extension GL_EXT_geometry_shader4 : enable
Maybe is good to add this to the source so it doesn’t break in other machines?
Yes apologies it was written for 088 and uploaded when chopchopchop was in beta. Will update soon 🙂
I also added an updated version to the forum for this asset which lets it run in 099 and other machines. Hope it gets updated here.
Thanks Voigty you legend.
The version is now updated to 099 and Mac thanks to brvoigt’s version
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